First Meeting

We traveled by train 12 hours to region and then another 2 hours to city before we met the inspector. Looking rather ragged, we were in good spirits and a bit of adrenaline rush to get to our boy. The inspector was so nice and really liked us as well so within 30 minutes she joined us to go out to the institution. She had to observe Maxim and our interactions with eachother to make a favorable approval to begin the adoption process locally.

As we were ushered down several hallways, many faces came and went and I wondered when I would see him. We came into a room to find him sitting there on a couch by himself. His eyes were wide, like a deer in headlights. Not long before we arrived, he was told his Mama and Papa were coming for him. Being the third family to adopt here in it's over 50 year existence, children are not expecting to hear this kind of news.

After the meeting, the inspector came to us and said she was amazed to see such a boy as Maxim in this institution. She had tears in her eyes and began working in her free time to gather all of the necessary papers so we can go to the judge hopefully as soon as Monday.

Maxim is doing better than we could even imagine. He is TINY for 9 1/2 years but he is not weak. Some of the questions he had for us was if we had a refrigerator and food at our house. He particularly wants green grapes. Do we have a car? Cats, dogs? He was overjoyed to hear we had pets! AND, we presented the photo album to him of his new family and at the front I had some pictures from when I first met him. He just stared at them then kissed them and then told our translator that he remembered. It was a most beautiful first meeting although overwhelming for him for sure. He hugged each of us calling us Mama, Papa and brother. Perhaps his one struggle is a few close friends there one in particular he is close to. He is 17, no feet and cleft palate but he does EVERYTHING include teach and care Maxim. He is pictured below with Holden and Maxim. It's hard to believe he is 17.

Thank you for your prayers! We appreciate them oh so much! Love you, Tina, Randy and Holden


Alice said…
Praying for your family, especially for M as he will grieve the loss of his friends. Praying even HARDER for his wonderful friend who will be left behind!
mommajeane said…
I love the pictures and what a wonderful sign that he was happy to hear you have pets...does his best friend have any siblings? If he is in a sibling group he can still be adopted until he turns 18...What a sweet friend he sounds like.
Oh my Tina gives me goosebumps and flashbacks to Torez. There is a girl I would like you to check on if you can. Her name is Yulia and she has CP. She is in the lying down room (opposite of where Chris was) I have her last name and will send it to you as well. I have to look it up. She will turn 14 in January. Beautiful girl and very smart!
Teacher Girl said…
Many, many prayers!! Maxim is such a good looking boy and sounds like a complete sweetheart, too!

Anonymous said…
Maxim and Holden are great brothers!!! Love the pictures. I take it the 17 year old boy cannot be adopted then?? I''m sooo happy for you guys! Can't wait to read more. And I LOVED his questions, too sweet!
Milena said…
I'm so happy for you and Maxim! How wonderful that he remembered your first meeting him years ago!

I think it's amazing that the family adopting Corinna just left a few weeks ago and now you are there! And Nadya who was once at Torez is getting adopted too!
Megan said…
How wonderful for Maxim and your family. Your post brought me to tears.
orphans4me said…
This just makes me cry, it is so sweet.
Joy McClain
The Skyduzt 7 said…
praying for his friend that will be left behind. Can he not be adopted? if he can, i can advocate for him if u have more pictures and maybe a name!
Marianne said…
Oh, how I would have loved to see him look at that photo album and remember you! What a beautiful story and I look forward to continue watching it unfold. God bless you!
Leslie said…
Oh. My. Goodness. What a powerful post this was. I am so behind reading your blog. I've been so busy with family visits and the Children's Christmas Program. But, now I can play catch up! :) I LOVE that he asked so many questions. His heart must be so full of joy to know that he not only has the MIRACLE of a family but all of those little things (well, actually big things) that his heart has secretly hoped for...pets, a car, and a refrigerator full of food. Oh, I can't wait to see this precious boy in person. :)

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