Day Seven- Play and Prayers
We took mostly video today so not many good photos to share with you, but if you can hop over to my FB page, the video is worth it. :o) Of course, atleast I think so! Mama's so proud!
Today the staff cleared out the therapy room and allowed us to play in there with Maxim all to ourselves. We have loved playing with all of the children but they are so needy and I have a very difficult time turning away from any of them. They all want a Mama and Papa as they say. So today with the exception of Leo who kept scurrying away and sneaking into our room, we had privacy.
This time together really brought out so much more today between Randy and Maxim. They played ball and I don't think you will believe me when I tell you Maxim can hit the ball like baseball, kick the ball like soccer and even pulled out the jump rope and jumped! His coordination is really incredible. He doesn't mind falling down a bit and almost sees it as part of "the deal." He's found his own way to do most things!!
He played so hard today like a monkey- which was fitting since we brought him bananas and he chomped down THREE big ones FAST! LOL! He gets very excited while playing and plays hard too but when I told him it was time to be done he was good about crawling over to us. We pulled out the worship music and he laid across his daddy and looked into my face. His bottom lip started quivering and tears welling as he listened to Misty Edwards sing Fling Wide. As he saw my eyes welling to, he tried to busy himself on the avoid a cry. in fact, he hasn't cried in front of us yet. It's okay, we want him to know he is safe to do that.
Soon after one of the caretakers came in for him and he seemed even more reluctant this time to going. I think these days stringing together are becoming more painful for him. In the beginning he couldn't wait for these visits, but now I sense he's finding it more difficult to let us go. But he obeyed and I watched him walk down that dark hallway holding on to his caregivers hand as she led him to lunch.
I went in with the bedridden children for a visit for a while afterwards so about 45 minutes later we were readying to leave the institution. We started heading down the stairs when Maxim came barreling out of his room and flying down the hallway to us hollering Mama, Papa. It broke my heart. He grabbed us and hugged us and soon a lady was after him to take him back.
I can't say thank you enough to all of you who donated into our adoption and to making this possible. We praise God and we thank him for you and pray you are so blessed for what you have done in your love for Jesus.
This has not been without great challenge and many tears but God holds them all so dear and he loves us oh so much. We feel that love.